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The Pluto-Neptune Sextile - Promise to Confusion

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Pluto and Neptune have been in sextile since 1944 and will be until 2037.  Except for a brief 8 years of sextile between 1840 and 1848, this aspect has not occurred since the 1452-1545 sextile, which happened well before these two planets were discovered.  What have been some of the implications and synchronicities of this rare aspect?

First I will offer a caveat by saying that in the course of human events, especially over such a long period as this aspect persisted, one can find occurrences that correlate with just about any astrological aspect.  The cottage industry of linking historical (or current) events to astrological phenomena is fraught with the fallacy of composition.  An objective survey will usually find as many events similar to those "manifested" by an astrological occurrence outside of the astrological period as within it. This is not to negate mundane astrology but simply to caution against over-generalization and jumping at connections that are not statistically valid.  I do believe that there is validity in the astrological chart of specific events and also, as Richard Tarnas has shown, a validity to the manifestation of planetary energies in the broad sweep of human history.

With these caveats in mind, lets explore some of the signs of the Pluto-sextile-Neptune energy.  Tarnas in his Cosmos and Psyche, has observed how Pluto empowers the energy of a planet with which it comes into contact.  The Plutonian energies are similarly modified.  We can, therefore, expect to find a heightened Neptunian vibration during periods of a Pluto-Neptune sextile, as well as the Plutonian energy being "Neptunized."  The sextile denotes opportunity and a mutual enabling, as opposed to the harder energies of the angular aspects.  We'll see if we can identify these characteristics being more pronounced during the period of this transiting aspect.

We should remember that aspects such as Pluto sextile Neptune have two avenues of expression.  One is through their transiting relationship in real time.  The other is through the natal influence of their aspect in the charts of all who are born under the transit.  We posit that the energy associated with this aspect is particularly strong during the prolonged period when those who have Pluto sextile Neptune natally are also "feeling its effects" as the aspect continues in the sky.  Indeed, for a great many living on the planet now, this condition of dual-influence has been their only experience of Pluto and Neptune, all of their lives having been lived under the transiting aspect.

Before delving into particulars, I will posit that there seems to be a "downward" bending arc with this aspect. The promise of the Pluto-Neptune energy seems to shine more brightly toward the beginning of the aspect and to fade and become darker towards its end.  Perhaps this is an organic phenomenon, analogous to the physical body's aging and decline. Or, we can compare this with the law of diminishing returns in economics.  The procession of the cycle of the yugas, from golden age to iron age, is another analogy.  Perhaps, too, we could ascribe this, at least in part, to the deepening penetration of Pluto's shadow-side energy into the Neptunian vibration.  I know this seems quite pessimistic, especially against the New Age expectation of the dawning of a more enlightened era.

Let's look at some of the associations of Neptune now.  We can start with idealism.  We can certainly see this manifested in at least a certain portion of the generation born during the early years of this aspect, especially in their youth.  The period of coming of age of those born as this aspect formed coincided with a powerful Pluto-Uranus conjunction but above this and permeating it there was a marked idealism, not only in America but elsewhere on the planet, as well.  Of course, the United States, as a young country founded during the Enlightenment, has always been idealistic.  Yet, those born in the early years of the Pluto-Neptune sextile can be counted as one of its more idealistic generations.

We can see a burst of idealism even among those born without this aspect once the aspect had begun to form.  We saw the birth of the United Nations with an abundance of hope that it would be a vehicle for world peace. In America at least, belief in the American Dream launched an era of economic prosperity; and the Marshall Plan spawned a certain amount of hope and idealism in Europe, while Japan bought into the ideals of the power that had defeated them. The first two decades of the Pluto-Neptune sextile also saw a rise in idealism as former colonies in Asia and Africa gained their independence from European states. The state of Israel was born with much idealism.  In China, the idealistic Maoists took control of that nation. Back in the United States, idealism was quite evident in the Camelot years of the Kennedy Administration.  The counter-cultural movement in America and in Europe was based on the idealistic premise that peace, love and harmony could actually become the dominant social and political force.

The shadow side of idealism, or some would say its inevitable outcome, is disillusionment, also associated with Neptune.  As Pluto had powered Neptunian idealism, so it powered the Neptunian collapse into disillusionment, which had a strong connection to power, or the lack thereof.  While in the early decades of the aspect, Americans at least had implicitly idealized the power structure, Watergate began a long process of disillusionment and distrust of institutions of power.  What began as a rational recognition that our government had lied to its citizens has become, as the aspect has progressed into its later phase, a belief by many that the government and all institutions of "the establishment" do nothing but lie and deceive (Neptune) in order to control (Pluto) us all. 

Indeed, each of the enterprises idealistically launched during the early decades of the sextile have devolved into Neptunian confusion, disappointment and disillusionment.  The United Nations has become an ineffective and bureaucratic institution incapable of even managing small-scale "peace-keeping" efforts.  The promise of the American Dream has collapsed with the hollowing out of the middle class and growing extreme income inequality (a dark Plutonian phenomenon).  We are seeing large cracks in the European Union and the bloom as long faded from Japan's economic miracle.  Many of the states that gained their independence in the early years of the sextile are now corrupt de facto dictatorships, mostly poor, and often embroiled in seemingly never-ending internal conflicts.  What can we say of Israel and China?  And the promises of both Camelot and of the counterculture were crushed, with that failure to deliver turning many away from any further entertainment of idealistic hopes.

Altered states, escapism and, particularly, drugs and alcohol are Neptunian and the era of the Pluto-Neptune sextile magnified opportunities to indulge in such substances.  While drug use certainly existed before the Pluto-Neptune aspect, particularly among certain subcultures, drug use became much more prevalent during the sixties.  It could be said that, initially, there was a greater preponderance of "mind altering" drugs in the culture.  As the aspect wore on, the mix of drug use grew harder and more body-oriented, first with the more widespread use of cocaine and heroin, followed by the crack "epidemic," and in the most recent decades the opioide crisis. 

Some who have the Pluto-Neptune sextile natally viewed hallucinogenics as a pathway to spirituality. A few have persisted on this path, discovering various shamanic hallucinogens.  There is an element in this of the Plutonian energy powering the Neptunian drive for transcendent experience.  Many who partook of hallucinogenics realized the illusory quality of what is considered to be reality. As the Pluto-Neptune sextile has matured, we have seen this positive realization become corrupted (Pluto) and distorted (Neptune) so that many now believe that there is no reality or that reality is whatever we choose to believe.  This has allowed "alternative facts" to be seen as valid and a multitude of conspiracy theories to gain credence and spread.  Coinciding with this, we have also seen an accelerating level of delusion and deception (dark Neptune) being employed to accrue political power (Pluto).  We can see now previously unimaginable numbers of people happily embracing the most ludicrous and irrational (dark Neptune) falsehoods.

It is always good to look at past cycles for corroboration.  The last sextile in the 1840s was brief by comparison but was marked by an outburst of idealism, spirituality and universalism.  The 1840s saw the issuance of the Communist Manifesto, the heyday of Transcendentalism in America, and the revolutions of 1848 all over Europe. I think, though, that this transiting aspect was too short for the energy to experience the same kind of deterioration that we have seen occurring during the present aspect. So let us look at the last prolonged Pluto-Neptune sextile.

This sextile began in 1452 at the start of the "Age of Exploration" and the Italian Renaissance (I am not as familiar with what was going on in Asia or Africa to note any similarities there.).  We might consider the Renaissance to be not so much about the rediscovery of Classical Greece and Rome as about the liberalization and secularization of thought in Western Europe. We can certainly view this period as one marked by a great deal of idealism, including the idealization of Classical Greece and Rome.  We might also view Martin Luther as an idealist and the Protestant Reformation that he "launched" as an idealistic enterprise.  Noteworthy, the printing press was perfected at the start of the sextile and it played an exceedingly instrumental role in the diffusion (Neptune) of ideas including, not to say the least, the much wider availability of the Bible.

Can we say that this initial idealism turned to a darker side?  While the Renaissance flourished during this entire period, it also became increasingly enmeshed in the pursuit of patronage.  While this did not seem to diminish the great inspirations of artists like Michelangelo and Da Vinci, we can imagine that lesser personages may easily have been bent to accommodating the practicalities of pleasing their powerful (Pluto) patrons and, perhaps, becoming somewhat disillusioned in the process.  We note that the last decade of the sextile saw the publication of Machiavelli's The Prince, which has been viewed by many as a cynical exposition of realpolitik. 

It is perhaps easier to see the devolution of the religious idealism of the era.  Emblematic of this is Henry VIII's break with Catholicism over his desire for serial polygamy, which occurred during the last decades of the sextile.  The latter portion of the sextile was also marked by the rise of extreme and charismatic (Pluto) religious sects, such as the Anabaptists.  Certainly, they must have been viewed as irrational and delusional (dark Neptune) in their day and, in this case, such Neptunian aberrations were oppressed (Pluto) rather than being harnessed by the powers that be.  The latter decades of this sextile were also the era of the most infamous excesses of the Spanish Inquisition.

The arc of deterioration is easier to see with respect to the Age of Exploration.  It could be said that the Age began with much idealism and optimism.  There were also what turned out to be some unfounded expectations (Columbus' delusion about having reached the Indies is notable).  The Neptunian water element is also present in that this was the time when Europeans ventured out into the oceans. 

During the last half of the sextile, very soon after the discovery of America, things took a downward trajectory.  Power (Pluto) and a false idealism (the myth of the nobility of "Christianizing" the pagan inhabitants of the New World) combined in a horrible way.  Aztec, Mayan and Incan cultures collapsed (Neptune) under the onslaught of European power (Pluto).  Slavery (which contains elements of both Pluto and Neptune) was widely introduced into the New World. 

Of other periods (960-1053; 466-561; 26 BCE-69 CE), I leave those for others to explore.  One can wonder, however, how much synchronicity exists with planets so distant in time from when they appear in human consciousness; or is the character of events and energies so changed in these far off times that we would be hard pressed to understand the correlations with the Plutonian-Neptunian energies?


        -- Gargatholil                                                

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