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Donald Trump and John Bolton: A Chart Comparison

Comparing the charts of Donald Trump and John Bolton illustrates the usefulness of my new book, Sign-to-Sign Dynamics: A Depth Astrology Approach, available from Smashwords (at a discount to readers of this website), Amazon as a Kindle e-book, and Amazon in paperback, as well as from other retailers such as Apple, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, etc.  The observations made in this essay are derived from the earlier posts to this website which have become the book, Sign-to-Sign Dynamics. 

Donald Trump and John Bolton: A Brief History

John Bolton has a long history in Republican foreign policy circles, representing a stridently conservative voice shaped by the dynamics of the Cold War and dedicated to preserving American hegemony.  A Yale law school graduate, Bolton began his public career during the second term of the Reagan Administration as an Assistant U.S. Attorney General.  During the elder Bush administration, he moved to the State Department, serving as an Assistant Secretary of State.  During the younger Bush's first term, he was an Under Secretary of State and became Ambassador to the United Nations during the first part of Bush's second term, stepping down after recognizing that he would not be confirmed by the Democratic controlled Senate due to his arch-conservative views and his unrelenting proclamation of those views.  Afterward, he became a leading figure at the American Enterprise Institute, a major conservative think tank, and a pundit frequently appearing on conservative venues.  He served as National Security Advisor to former President Donald Trump from April 2018 to September 2019.  This period is documented in Bolton's book, The Room Where it Happened. 

While Bolton is known as a hardliner, he is also extremely pragmatic.  His positions, whether one agrees with them or not, are generally well-reasoned from a priori assumptions and well-defined tenets.  His attitude towards Trump's first impeachment is illustrative of his pragmatism.  While he believed that Trump acted improperly and even that his offense was impeachable, he opposed the impeachment because, with Republicans in the majority in the Senate, he knew that it had no chance of success.  Thus, he considered it to be a waste of time and energy.

Donald Trump's history is well-known.  Inheriting millions from his father, he built a flamboyant real estate empire in New York City, later expanding his enterprises world-wide, including an ill-fated investment in an Atlantic City, New Jersey casino.  In 2004, while continuing to manage his real estate empire, Trump began a career as a television celebrity hosting the realty TV show, The Apprentice, later The Celebrity Apprentice.  Trump's political ambitions date from 2000, when he briefly entered the Presidential primary race for the Reform Party nomination.  He flirted with a Presidential run in 2012 and, then, in 2016 he swept the Republican primary field to become the Party's nominee, winning the Presidency.  His campaign was largely based on nationalist populism and an appeal to disaffected portions of the electorate, laced with rhetoric that was frequently xenophobic or borderline racist. 

That ego is a principle motivator for his achieving success is indicated in his decision to brand virtually every property he owns with his own name
the most  example being Trump Tower.  His exceptional tolerance for risk resulted in numerous bankruptcies.  His disdain for public norms when they happen to interfere with his personal desires is reflected in his three marriages, none of which were free from infidelity.  Trump is known for demanding absolute loyalty, his belief that he can do whatever he wants and get away with it, and his vindictiveness toward his perceived enemies.


The Charts

While Donald Trump's chart is well-known, we do not have a birth time for John Bolton.  Since we are concerned with sign-to-sign dynamics and not with house placements, this is less significant.  His Moon would be in Cancer no matter the time of day he was born.  This makes sense given his strong, almost emotional attachment to country, his tendency to perceive the nation as needing to be protected from its enemies, and his strong attunement to Americans as people or clan.  Relevant to an analysis of the relationship between John Bolton and Donald Trump are their Sun signs, their Moon signs, and the close aspects between planets in their charts.  These are shown below.  Orbs for the close aspects are calculated using a noon chart for John Bolton.

Sun: Trump - GeminiBolton - Scorpio (no aspect)
Moon: Trump - Sagittarius
Bolton - Cancer (aspect unknown)
Trump's Leo Ascendant square Bolton's Scorpio Sun-conjunct-Chiron (1' 40"-Sun and 0' 59"-Chiron)
Trump's Gemini Sun trine Bolton's Libra Venus (0'33")
Trump's Cancer Venus quincunx Bolton's Sagittarius Mars (0' 26")
Trump's Leo Mars trine Bolton's Sagittarius Mars (1' 28")
Trump's Cancer Saturn-conjunct-Venus square Bolton's Libra Venus (0' 19"-Saturn and 2' 16"-Venus)
Trump's Taurus MC quincunx Bolton's Libra Venus (0' 52") and quincunx Bolton's Sagittarius Mars (0' 58")

Two things jump out about this chart comparison.  The first is the predominance of the quincunx relationship.  Both Suns and Moons are in signs where the natural dynamic is the quincunx relationship--Gemini/Scorpio and Sagittarius/Cancer.  Besides this, there are three quincunx aspects in their relationship chart, two of which form a yadh with Trump's MC as the focal point.  The abundance of quincunx energy suggests a relationship that is unlikely, difficult and prone to crisis.  Indeed, while Bolton was a candidate for either Secretary of State or National Security Advisor during the Trump transition, it wasn't until the second half of his term that Trump brought Bolton into the administration.  Temperamentally, the two are an extremely odd couple.  And, as Bolton's book makes clear, while Bolton was National Security Advisor their relationship moved from one crisis to another (although Trump himself seemed largely unaware of the dynamic, which reflects his general lack of self-awareness).

The second observation is the large number of very close aspects between the two men.  Acknowledging that a different birth time would change these orbs, none of them would change by more than a degree.  Counting planets individually when involved in natal conjunctions, there are nine close aspects between Trump and Bolton, eight of them with orbs closer than 2 degrees and six of them partile.  This suggests an amazingly strong karmic connection between the two.  


We'll begin this analysis by looking at the Sun signs: Gemini-Scorpio.  An image selected from my book, Sign-to-Sign Dynamics is a pool protected from the wind by a broken shelter.  This image conveys the water/Scorpio's powerlessness to contain the restless air (Gemini).  Such was the Bolton-Trump relationship.  Independent of any political assessment of Mr. Trump, as a person it can be said that we can expect him to manifest various traits associated with the astrological symbol set tending toward the extreme, often the dysfunctional or problematic extreme.  With his Gemini Sun, we would expect that a core value or source of identity would be a need for freedom and a need to express this freedom.  However, we can see in Donald Trump that the Gemini urge for complete freedom to experience the world manifested as extreme fickleness and an inability to commit.  Those who have read Bolton's book will recognize that this was an issue constantly confronted by John Bolton as he tried to steer the President toward a consistent foreign policy.  Trump could not be relied upon to maintain a position from one day to the next.  He seemed to turn on a whim and any profession of commitment to follow a certain course was inevitably followed by a withdrawal of that commitment.  This is the puer aeternis quality of the Gemini Twins in spades.  Bolton found himself powerless against Trump's obsessive need to demonstrate his complete independence and freedom from controlafter all, Trump was the President, the one in the relationship who possessed absolute authority.

We see this theme of power being confronted by freedom in the two ruling planets
Pluto and Mercury.  Of course, Pluto is all about power (in manifold dimensions).  Mercury, though mostly associated with the intellect and communication, can be seen to have a strong association with freedom.  To begin with, both the intellect and communication need to be able to operate in a relatively free environment in order to be most effective.  Mercury's speed conveys a sense of freedom and the Mercurial tendency to go anywhere at any time also ties the planet to the idea of freedom. 

The two glyphs, the Twins (Castor and Pollux) and Bolton's Scorpio acting at the level of the Eagle also convey this dynamic.  Castor and Pollux were notoriously arbitrary, carefree and fun-loving.  The  Eagle symbolizes the empowered
Scorpio.  Though empowered and used to exercising power, Bolton found himself with Trump absent of the levers and switches with which he commonly would be able to influence people and events—an archtypally quincunxian situation.  In a more fruitful relationship between Scorpio and Gemini, the Scorpio Eagle would empower Gemini's freedom.  However, absent an out-of-sign trine and with Trump's dysfunctional psyche, we find Trump constitutionally unable to make good use of Bolton's capabilities to employ power because his need for freedom (fickleness and arbitrariness) fed by his need for attention and dominance (Mars-Ascendant in Leo sextile Sun) gets in the way.  Though never consciously expressed, we can intimate that Bolton's strong Scorpio energy probably triggered Trump to all the more assert his own power by acting out the Gemini drive for freedom in the most arbitrary and capricious ways.  For his part, Bolton was well aware of the conundrum in which he found himself, quoting John Foster Dulles' recognition that power ultimately resided in the Presidency more than once in his book.  In the end, unable to resolve the quincunxian crisis between the two positively, Bolton separates from Trump.

Looking at the Moon we have Bolton's Cancer and Trump's Sagittarius Moon.  We do not know if the Moons are in aspect but a quincunx is possible if Bolton was born late at night.  Although
the primary dynamic between the two indicated by this configuration is nowhere hinted at in my Sign-to-Sign Dynamic explanation of Cancer-Sagittarius, this just goes to show the multivalent nature of the astrological symbol set (and the impossibility of anticipating every type of interaction).   With the Moon involved, we can look to how attachment is expressed through the two signs.  The linkage of the Moon with comfort level, conditioning rooted in the subconscious and other associations with attachment is emphasized for Trump with his Moon conjunct the South Node (with the South Node's association with predilection and karmic influence). 

We see in Donald Trump a strong attachment to the Sagittarian style of self-aggrandizement and self-importance.  Bluster, exaggeration, boastfulness
all in the service of magnifying the ego
—are hallmarks of the insecure Sagittarius energy.  We see in Trump an almost instinctual gravitation to those Sagittarian qualities.  His primal need (another Moon function) is that he appear as the biggest, most important personage in the figurative room.  Manifesting another Sagittarian fault is his firm belief that he is always right.  In fact, he is unable to tolerate the idea that he could be wrong (such an admittance is totally beyond his comfort level).  He is completely comfortable with all of these Sagittarian foibles, these qualities being his nature (Moon) and inherent (South Node) in his make-up. 

One way in which Bolton's Cancer Moon manifests is his deep attachment to homeland.  I don't know whether on a personal level John Bolton would be considered a strong "family man" but in his public life he has thoroughly attached himself to the concept of the national homeland and the Americans as a great people.  This is the extension of the Moon's typical association with family and domestic home life into the public arena.  Concomitant with this attachment is the desire to protect and defend the homeland.  Bolton built his career on this driving force. 

In Trump, Bolton saw an opportunity to use the power of the Presidency to expand American influence abroad and to protect America from its natural international enemies.  In other words, astrologically, Bolton was attempting to integrate Trump's Sagittarian inclinations (Trump, too, wanted to make America great) with his own Cancer needs.  This was the motivation for Bolton to join the Trump administration.  Bolton knew beforehand that Trump had dysfunctional qualities—although he didn't realize the extent of this until he became National Security Advisor.  However, he believed that he could harness Trump's power and direct it toward his own objectives (which he believed were consistent with the President's views).  This attempt at quincunxian integration failed, however, because of the intransigence of Trump's dysfuntionality.  In other words, while Bolton wanted to direct foreign policy in ways that supported his Cancer Moon needs (projected onto the international stage), all Trump wanted to do was to aggrandize his ego in any way possible.  The two primal needs could not successfully connect--in fact, Bolton's initiatives were consistently endangered or thwarted by Trump's Sagittarius Moon behavior.

There is another Cancer-Sagittarius dynamic associated with their ruling planets that manifested in the Bolton-Trump relationship.  This has to do with the primary character of "motion" associated with the two planets.  For Jupiter, motion is expansive; for the Moon, motion is rhythmic and regular.  In Bolton, this Cancerian regularity manifested in a penchant for process.  While Bolton never let process become an objective in itself, he was insistent that process and procedure be followed thoroughly.  In fact, he saw proper process as fundamental to reaching valid conclusions and, therefore, essential to the work of the National Security Agency.  Trump, however, had absolutely no regard for process.  He knew with certainty in his gut (Sagittarius Moon) what he wanted—at least in the Gemini moment—and just wanted it done.  Ever ready to move on to the next thing, he had no patience for process.  In fact, with so many things out there, and with his Gemini Sun contributing, Trump had almost zero attention span.  And, of course, what would grab his attention was anything that was bigger, greater, more powerful and important, especially if it could be connected with inflating his ego.

In quincunxian fashion, these unlikely and incompatible natures were thrown together and forced to interact with each other.  However, on fundamental levels, they could not connect.  Sagittarius being the more dominant energy and Trump holding the power of the Presidency, it was inevitably Bolton's aims that were frustrated and his attachments and expectations disappointed.  Failing to be able to harness Trump's wild and unbridled Sagittarian nature, the relationship ultimately fell apart.

We can now look at the close aspects that Donald Trump and John Bolton share.  First, we'll examine Bolton's Sun-conjunct-Chiron square Trump's Leo Ascendant.  An image associated with this sign combination is a flame thrower battling a water cannon.  This speaks to issues and conflicts over power and control.  Integral to both is the idea of security.  Leo derives its security from the approval of others; Scorpio derives its security from their ability to self-control, as well as to control others.  With his Ascendant in Leo, we can see how Trump processes his world in terms of the strokes and validation he receives from others.  Because of his deep insecurities, this need to filter everything through how he is being perceived and to project himself in a way that maximizes the potential to receive positive feedback from others (especially about his own importance, greatness and power) has become obsessive. 

Bolton's career trajectory demonstrates his need to exert power and influence.  He is also known to be very disciplined, denoting a high degree of self-control.  These qualities are fundamental to his identity (Sun).   Yet, with Sun conjunct Chiron we can speculate that this drive for power has been motivated by some hidden psychological or emotional wounding.  As National Security Advisor to Trump, these two needs—for recognition and appreciation (Trump) and for the exercise of power and control (Bolton)—came into conflict.  Perforce, both by the nature of his position with respect to Trump's and by the nature of Scorpio, Bolton's exercise of power needed to be undertaken indirectly and through manipulation (not here used pejoratively).  However, Bolton's attempts were continuously thwarted by the playing out of Trump's insecurities.  Time and time again, Trump would refuse to follow Bolton's directives, often in Gemini fashion changing course at the last minute.  Most of the time it was because Trump perceived that taking the alternative course would gain him approval, even if the approval was only temporary. 

Besides placing his own personal satisfaction above all else, Trump reacted to Bolton's attempts to exercise power by refusing to acknowledge the legitimacy of Bolton's power.  It was as if Trump felt compelled to let it be known that it was he who was in charge.  Bolton suffered frequent put-downs at the hands of Trump, mostly what have come to be called micro-aggressions.  This undoubtedly poked at Bolton's Chironic wounding but most of the time he put his objective before personal pique and took Trump's bullying in stride.  There were a few times, however, when his confrontations with Trump would turn incendiary.  Other images associated with Leo-Scorpio are a fire causing a pot to boil over and a castle surrounded by a moat coming under fire.  Both are apropos to the Trump-Bolton relationship.

Next we come to Donald Trump's Gemini Sun trine Bolton's Libra Venus.  Though, with the tight trine, we should expect the dynamics between the two to be harmonious (in relation to Trump's identity function and Bolton's relational/evaluative function), the dysfunctional expression of the potentialities symbolized by the astrological symbol set that Trump manifests can create ripples of discord even with this "easy" aspect.  One thing to remember is that the primary dynamic signified by the trine is an easy and comfortable flow of energy between the planets involved.  If one of the natives is manifesting "bad energy," that is what will come through in the flow of the trine.

One image connected with Gemini-Libra is that of a fickle and a constant wind.  We have already noted Trump's predilection for frequent and capricious changes in course.  This behavior can be assigned to his being in constant reactive mode, reacting primarily to whatever he thinks will be to his benefit or provide him with ego-strokes (frequently with little distinction between the two).  This often involves seeking to please (and, thus, gain the approval of) people whom he considers to be influencers or people (and groups) that he wishes to retain on "his side."  His Gemini Sun provides no anchor to hold him against whatever prevailing winds are blowing and, therefore, he exhibits extreme Mutability. 

The constant wind identified with Bolton's Venus can be seen in his commitment to fairness and justice in his relationships and in his ability to evaluate a situation coolly from both sides of the matter, holding things in balance before making a decision.  Even if Bolton considered someone a fool
and his Scorpio Sun and Mercury certainly provided him with the facility to quickly and insightfully take the measure of a person—he generally treated them with respect and civility.  These attributes were an asset in dealing with the President.  First, while not always successful, he was nearly always able to counter Trump's whims by either convincing him to get back on course or by taking corrective action and damage control.  Someone who was less balanced, less of a "constant wind" might find themself repeatedly destabilized by Trump's "fickle wind."  This, ultimately, was of benefit to Trump, as well, for Bolton was often able to keep him from making serious and foolish mistakes.  Secondly, though Bolton quickly saw right through Donald Trump, he was able to maintain a respectful and professional relationship with the President.  Sinking into an attitude of disdain would have been dangerous both because it would have clouded Bolton's judgment and because Trump would have reacted vindictively upon perceiving it. 

Another characteristic of the Trump-Bolton relationship that their Sun-Venus trine suggests is that the two tended to like each other.  There was certainly much common ground ideologically between them.  Trump not rarely expressed to others that he liked John and if there had not been at least some fondness for Trump on Bolton's part it is inconceivable that the latter could have put up with Trump's "fickle wind."

Mars is also in trine for Donald Trump and John Bolton, further suggesting a sort of camaraderie between the two, particularly at the masculine level.  Both men exhibit strong aggressiveness or competitiveness bespeaking a Fire sign (especially fiery with Mars), but in different ways. Trumps' Mars is in Leo while Bolton's is in Sagittarius.  Trump is more concerned with showing his power and masculinity (his aversion to showing weakness fits the dominant masculine paradigm that men should be strong).  Bolton can often seem heated and even incendiary at times, but his display of masculine strength is bent on conquest to advance his strong beliefs and worldview. 

Images that can be associated with Leo-Sagittarius include a king riding his galloping steed and an adventurer or conquistador in a royal court.  Both resonate with the Trump-Bolton relationship.  Trump saw in John Bolton someone who would be useful in advancing his own "America First" agenda
—a perspective that both men shared.  Bolton would be the one to carry Trump's instinctive approach to foreign policy forward onto the world stage.  Yet, the rider is not always in control of a spirited steed even if they appear to be.  Such a horse may have a mind of their own and try to take their rider in unexpected directions.  Like a horse carrying a less than supremely skilled rider, Bolton, whenever he could, would attempt to guide Trump to take foreign policy decisions that advanced Bolton's own agenda.  The fact that their agenda's often led to similar outcomes, suggested by the trine, made this relatively easy for Bolton.  Nevertheless, other factors in their charts point to disruption and sometimes conflict.  In terms of our metaphor, this Leo rider would frequently get distracted from the task of proper ridership in which case the horse would need to exert more control.

The second image also fits the Bolton-Trump relationship, for Bolton's primary interest in Trump was because of his position, controlling the resources (the executive power of the Presidency) that Bolton needed in order to "conquer the world" for his homeland.  It was Trump who could bless or kibosh Bolton's propositions.  It was Trump to whom Bolton needed to constantly supplicate for a positive decision to implement his plans.  The trine, however, indicates that this arrangement had positive features for both men.  Trump certainly enjoyed playing the role of the king, able to dispense the largess of his approval of Bolton's petitions.  Bolton gained what he needed, access to the power of the Presidency to influence the foreign policy of the United States.  The fact that both men were generally on the same page (except when Trump's personal needs interfered) contributed to the smooth and usually congenial working of this arrangement.

We return to the predominant theme of the quincunx energy in this relationship with the tight quincunx between Donald Trump's Cancer Venus and John Bolton's Sagittarius Mars.  Here, it is instructive to look at the glyphs of the signs
—the Crab and the Centaur.  The Crab is a denizen of low-lying places, a burrower in the sands.  The Sagittarian Centaur takes aim at the skies.  Thus, their worlds are "inconjunct." 

Donald Trump's Venus is in a close conjunction with Saturn, which typically signals difficulties with relationships based in a fundamental insecurity.  This has manifested in Trump's psyche as a deep need to receive nurturing from others.  The Crab also seeks security and Venus' placement in Cancer only emphasizes the need to obtain emotional security through relationships with others.  Trump's Venus is semi-sextile his Leo Mars and the connection here may be that his attachment to dominating masculinity prevents him from accepting authentic nurturing.  Instead, this neediness for nurture has manifested as seeking security and validation by receiving constant flattery (a perverse form of being nurtured).

We can see in Bolton's Sagittarius Mars an entirely different emphasis and need
—the drive to execute an expansive foreign policy based on his geo-political worldview.  We also know that Bolton's actions (at least in the public arena) are always guided by an over-arching concept of how the world operates and a grand strategic plan.  Significantly, the Cancer Venus-Sagittarius Mars quincunx is echoed in the Trump-Bolton chart with Bolton's Mars being conjunct Trump's Moon (though not in close enough orb to be considered a tight aspect).  This suggests not only the importance of this quincunx, but also that it activates in some way the inner tensions of the Sagittarius energy of Trump's Venus depositor mixing with the Cancer energy of Venus' placement.  We can perhaps see this in Trump's need for flattery being focused on others validating is "greatness" in expansive ways.  We can speculate that perhaps Trump saw in John Bolton a vehicle through which his own image could be enhanced.  However, this was not Bolton's concern and, if he did enhance Trump's image, it was purely accidental.

Instead, Bolton found his own plans and schemes for expanding U.S. power and influence in the world consistently frustrated by Trump's need for validation from others who
in this circumstance—just happened to be world leaders.  Most leaders, especially the more astute, quickly determined that Trump could be played like a fiddle with a little flattery.  Bolton was keenly aware of this and keenly aware of the danger this posed to his own designs.  This kept Bolton continually on the edge of crisis with Trump, particularly when Trump would be interacting with other world leaders.  Often, crisis erupted.

Next we'll look at the square between Donald Trump's Cancer Saturn and Bolton's Libra Venus.  
We've already explored the somewhat mixed bag of the trine between Bolton's Venus and Trump's Sun.  Also, we've noted that Trump's Saturn is conjunct his Venus and we've discussed his Venus quincunx with Bolton's Mars.  Saturn's orb to the quincunx is 1 degree 31 minutes, which is a little wide and the Venus-Mars contact is partile within half a degree, so we've given Venus prominence there.  Here, too, we'll divert from the interpretations of Cancer-Libra in my book, as the Trump-Bolton relationship highlights other potential dynamics between the two signs.  We first note, though, the synergy of Venus being both "afflicted" by its conjunction with Saturn in Trump's chart and challenged in Bolton's chart by the square to Trump's Saturn.  Or, might it be the other way around?  For Saturn symbolizes some deep relationship insecurity for Trump
one explanation definitely for his need to be stroked in order to provide assurance that he is being liked.  Bolton, on the other hand, as a quasi-diplomat (a great calling for someone with Venus in Libra), is a self-assured and consummate relationship builder (even if he may sometimes come on a little too strong with his Sagittarius Mars having lots of sextile opportunity to come through his Venus relationships).  This was likely intimidating to Trump (though Trump never admits intimidation even to himself, being confronted by someone with polished relationship skills has got to push his relationship insecurity buttons).

Now let's turn to Cancer-Libra dynamics.  Cancer is an intensely personal sign and, so, this signals that Trump would feel his insecurities on a highly personal level.  Thus, to salve his unacknowledged sense of inadequacy, everything becomes personal.  He needs to deal with things on a personal level and reacts personally to anything that triggers his insecurities.  Libra, on the other hand, while focused on personal relationships, tends to handle them not from a personal perspective.  For Libra, it is generally about the other person, not about oneself.  Bolton's skills are in forming allegiances and building consensus (though admittedly consensus among relatively like-minded people, politically).  To the extent that Libra's concern is with other people, it is not coming from a place of intense personal motivation, compared to Cancer.  Of course, Libra is capable of turning their attention to Cancer's needs, and Bolton had the interpersonal skills to massage Trump's ego and present issues to coincide with Trump's personal interests.  However, Trump's insecurities were so deep and his focus on the personal was so intent that it frequently got in the way of the diplomacy that Bolton was trying to pursue.  For his part, Trump couldn't care less about building diplomatic bridges, unless he could see a benefit for himself.  While we don't see Trump becoming angry with Bolton over his efforts, he certainly could be dismissive.

Another characteristic of Cancer, particularly in dysfunctional mode, is being reactionary.  Trump's behavior was extremely reactionary.  His primary modality was to be driven by reactionary impulse, over which he had almost no control.  Libra, on the other hand, ruled by ever-evaluating Venus, can be quite deliberate.  True, an insecure Libra will react to whatever cues they are receiving from others pertaining to how they are being received.  Bolton did not suffer from this, however.  We can see conflicting natures at work in the Trump-Bolton relationship.  Exacerbating the tension was the fact that both by position (as President) and nature (his Leo Mars and Ascendant), Trump wielded authority
(Saturn)—and he wielded it most often in a reactionary manner.  Bolton suffered because of this.  It constantly disrupted his equilibrium (Libra).  Mostly, though, Bolton had to witness decisions being made based on personal emotion, reacting to whatever was the trigger of the moment, rather than on his preferred mode of careful and balanced evaluation (Venus in Libra).

Finally, we have the yadh created between Bolton's Venus-sextile-Mars both quincunxing Trump's Midheaven.  This brings together Taurus and Libra and Taurus and Sagittarius.  We can begin, though, by looking at the aspect itself.  The "finger of God" is pointing to Trump's Midheaven, indicating that it is this which is most in need of purification and transformation.  We can see how the Taurus Midheaven has manifested in Trump's life and career.  His need for material security has driven him to fully adopt the collective super-ego's definition of success as the accumulation of wealth.  Possession, whether of money, material objects, relationships or status, dominates Donald Trump's concept of what it means to be successful.  We can then hypothesize, based on the yadh, that what Bolton brings to this situation is an opportunity, or a necessity, to grow out of this construct and redefine success by embracing a different set of values.  We can see this opportunity for redefinition present in Trump's signature slogan, "Make America Great Again."  The transformative question was: could Donald Trump overcome his fixation on personal accumulation (not just of wealth but of power and status)
by truly placing the nation first?  Because John Bolton's driving ideology in foreign affairs was "America First," Bolton's tenure as National Security Advisor in a certain way forced this issue.

Bolton, for his part, didn't particularly care about Donald Trump's personal success (the quincunxian disconnect between Bolton and Trump).  However, his own goals were inextricably tied to Trump's ability to actualize his Taurus Midheaven through a quincunxian transformation.  Bolton's goals were achieving "fairness and balance" through diplomacy (Venus in Libra)
which in his mind meant the U.S. being treated fairly on the world stage (with the respect due to a great nation) and holding the balance of power—and promoting his worldview of U.S. hegemony (Mars in Sagittarius), which he saw in Sagittarian terms as the natural and rightful position for a country manifesting its greatness.   We see, though, Trump's failure to undergo the necessary transformation of his super-ego drives creating repeated crises in the relationship between John Bolton and Donald Trump.

We can now look at the sign relationships to tease out more insights into this relationship.  One key is to look at the Taurus and Libra glyphs, the Bull and the Scale.  Crisis occurs when the Bull knocks over the Scale, disrupting the Libra balance.  Until this occurs, Bolton is able to operate in parallel play with Trump's achievement needs, cultivating the necessary relationships and influencing diplomacy to work toward his own ends.  Then, along comes Donald Trump, prioritizing his own personal power and status above the national interest and, in the process, disrupting the balance that Bolton had carefully crafted.  This could be a learning experience but Trump is oblivious that there is even a problem from which a lesson could be derived. 

This is also reflected in the signs' ruling planet, Venus.  Venus manifests in Taurus and Libra emphasizing two different aspects of its association with duality--evaluation and selection in Taurus, relationship (self-other) in Libra.  The two functions should operate in harmony but can be disconnected in a Taurus-Libra relationship.  We see this here, with Trump repeatedly valuing his own personal benefit and this causing crisis in the management of world leader relationships that Bolton is trying to affect. 

One characteristic of the Taurus-Sagittarius relationship is that Taurus, wrapped up in the personal, is called upon to gain greater self-understanding and a better understanding of the world around them.  It is the latter that was particularly necessary in the Trump-Bolton relationship.  This dynamic is also indicated when we look at Venus and Jupiter, the ruling planets of the two signs.  When the functions symbolized by these planets are disengaged, what may occur are a value system that is not informed by a comprehensive understanding or worldview (i.e., Trump's) and a value system (Trump's) and worldview (Bolton's) that are inconsistent.  Again, there were times when parallel play was possible and Bolton could direct policy exercising his global understanding and implementing his worldview, while Trump occupied himself with other matters.  Crises occurred however, when a decision from Donald Trump was necessary and, instead of being guided by Bolton's systems approach taking the broad view, Trump reverts to basing his decision on matters of personal benefit, whether tangible or intangible. 

This pattern also resonates to the Taurus-Sagittarius issue of comfort versus risk.  Evaluating matters from a personal perspective is Trump's comfort zone.  For him, taking into consideration the larger perspective, matters of true national interest, involved risk
—the risk that he might lose status or respect or that he might fail.  We saw on a number of important occasions, when Bolton presented a course of action that involved a certain amount of risk, Trump—though he might be attracted to it initially as a demonstration of his strength and power—would back down and retreat to the safe and secure position in the end.  This led, from Bolton's viewpoint, to a number of missed opportunities.  In many respects, while Donald Trump may have achieved success in his own eyes, and from the standpoint of his personal benefit, there were many failures in the foreign policy initiatives in which Bolton was involved—at least with respect to the goal of Making America Great Again.

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A new book by Gargatholil--The Pouring, or How the Universal Mind Reached Out to a Generation: A Commentary on the Counterculture Lyrics of the Sixties
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Also available in 3 volumes on Amazon

Sign-to-Sign Dynamics: A Depth Astrology Approach is now published!
(be sure to buy both volumes if you purchase the e-book on Amazon)

To purchase this book, Go to
Smashwords – Sign-to-Sign Dynamics: A Depth Astrology Approach – a book by Gargatholil  

To purchase Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook (vol. 1 - Introduction; vol. 2 - Planets in Signs; vol. 3- Planets in Houses; vol. 4 - Planets in Aspect) go to Smashwords.

Both books are also available in print editions from Amazon (be sure to order part 2 of volume 4 of Depth Astrology)